Frequently Asked Questions
Why create CARE4Kane?
The Kane County Health Department and representatives from the Kane County Public Health Advisory Board, including faculty from Aurora University and Northern Illinois University, recognized the opportunity to bring together higher education and community organizations to create an environment that fosters collaboration across disciplines. To achieve Kane County’s Vision: To be the healthiest county in Illinois by 2030, we need a living and growing information infrastructure. At the same time, Faculty need opportunities and resources to advance their scholarship, Students need opportunities for engagement in research and real world experiences, Colleges and universities need outlets for high-impact practices like undergraduate research to improve retention and degree completion and the community needs assistance and expertise that college faculty can students can contribute. By bringing these parties together in an intentional way, a win-win situation is created where everyone achieves more than they could alone.
When did CARE4Kane start?
CARE4Kane was launched in October of 2015. Over one hundred representatives from diverse backgrounds assembled and gave their input as to what types of projects were possible. In April of 2016, a second event was held to share successes to date and solicit additional feedback on the new CARE4Kane webportal. A third event is scheduled to occur in the fall of 2016.
Who should be involved in CARE4Kane?
CARE4Kane is intended to engage College Faculty and students as well as local governments and community organizations.
What are examples of topics that are being addressed?
Participants at the initial event expressed interest in collaborating to address mental health, education, health care, early childhood issues, obesity, nutrition, substance abuse, jail recidivism, transportation, criminal justice, land use, animal issues, housing, culture and many, many more topics.
How can I get involved?
Go to and register.